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13th District Spotlight -- June 2022

Summertime is upon us. Let us do our best to have a fun, safe, enjoyable summer season!

"The Beacon" Dedication

Councilman Antonio Glover joined with several of his colleagues and community leaders to dedicate the Last Mile Park's new light art, called "The Beacon." This art hails 16 light totems, with one totem dedicated each year to an individual or organization that has been a beacon of hope and change serving East Baltimore. This year the first beacon was dedicated to Pastor Dantwan Broady and The Temple Church and Ministries. This is the first permanent artistic light installation in working-class Baltimore. This location, on the border of both District 12 and District 13 it brings light to an area that was dark and creates an inviting gateway to Last Mile Park.

Butcher's Hill Stoop Event

Councilman Glover and his staff participated in Butcher's Hill annual Stoop Sitting. In this event, neighbors go and meet other neighbors at their homes and enjoy light refreshments and conversation. At this particular event four people opened their homes for their neighbors and Team 13. While there were some questions concerning policy, much of the event was light hearted and well spirited. We look forward to every community hosting events like this, where we can get to know each other, and continue to work together to change the trajectory of the city.

Public Safety: It takes all of us!

Tragically, our district has seen a huge uptick in violent crime. Councilman Glover is calling on everybody to play a part in keeping our communities safe during the summer and going forward. Collectively, we can work together to ensure our communities have a safe summer. There are several youth programs available for summer programming. Utilize our city parks for fun and recreation. Take a trip to one of our city's free museums (The Walter's Art Gallery/Baltimore Museum of Art). Spend a day at one of our many outdoor festivals this summer, and be sure to check on our elderly to ensure they are safe and cool during the summer heat. Lastly, if you need to report a crime, or if you would like to submit a tip, don't hesitate to call the police at 311 for non-emergencies, and 911 for emergencies. You may also reach out directly to the police districts: Northeastern (410-396-2444), Eastern (410-396-2433), Southeastern (410-396-2422). Find more information by visiting

Brake Light Clinic

Councilman Glover joined the Job Opportunities Task Force and Cornerstone Full Gospel Church, to participate in a brake light clinic. African Americans are more likely to have interactions with police, end in arrest or death, than any other demographic. Many of these confrontations begin with traffic stops. This brake light clinic was designed to help people identify if their brake lights needed repair, in order to limit interactions with the police, and to offer resources and information about expungement. We thank our community partners for being thoughtful about this event, and intentional in trying to counteract this systemic barrier.

We Own This District!

Councilman Glover had the opportunity to take reporter Justin Fenton (formerly of the Baltimore Sun and author of "We Own This City") on a tour of District 13, to talk about the future of policing in Baltimore. Fenton, now working for the new Baltimore Banner news outlet, interviewed the councilman and constituents in the community to try to understand what it is that the community wants to see in policing. Stay tuned for Fenton's first article in the Baltimore Banner coming soon. You can catch a sneak peek of what The Banner has to offer at


For 311 Service Response Snapshot for District 13 Visit:

For District 13 Crime Stats Visit:


See What Else is Happening in District 13



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