As we enter the dog days of summer, Councilman Antonio Glover reminds you to stay hydrated, cool, and safe!
Taking Over the Streets

There is no doubt that this year has been challenging when it comes to violent crime in our city and our district. Typically when one of those tragic events happen in our city, the Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement (MONSE) tries to have a positive event as a response. Councilman Glover joined MONSE, Safe Streets, and various city agencies for a Monument Street Block Party, in response to the shooting that occurred on Rose Street. There was music, dancing, food, and community resources available for the community. MONSE gathered information from residents and analyzed 311/911 data from the Rose St, Monument St, and McElderry Park Communities to identify immediate needs within these communities. In addition the Men and Families Center had their own block party and resource fair a few blocks away on Jefferson St, in continuance of their mission to provide services to the surrounding community.
Jazzy Summer Evenings!

Councilman Glover, Councilman Stokes, and the Broadway East Community Association held a jazz night in Eager Park. Neighbors came out and enjoyed live music from DJ Rome, and hits from yesterday and today from the Jazz Band, First Class. This event was a kick-off to early voting, in anticipation of the week long election event, followed by the primary election on July 19. People from across the 12th and 13th Districts met at our boundary park to enjoy a weather perfect evening or great jazz, dancing, and voter registration. Councilman Glover looks forward to bringing more events like this to communities throughout the district.
Congratulations Major Boyd!

#Team13 was on board to support the elevation of former Southeastern District Executive Officer, Danita Boyd, to the position of Major. With the promotion, she received a new assignment as the Commanding Officer of the Northwestern District. During her time as Captain in the Southeast, Major Boyd was very passionate about community policing. During our Walk and Talk Series events, she was very engaging with citizens in the Southeast, always advocating for our youth, and encouraging her patrol officers to be proactive with 311 in an effort to improve quality of life in the Southeast. We congratulate her on her new chapter in life.
A House is a Home

District 13 received a new neighbor in July! For the second year, Rock City Church has given away a house in the 13th District. This is the 20th year that the Compassion Commission of Rock City Church has given away a home to families that have never owned a home. The Compassion Commission is a youth led building initiative to help rebuild and restore our communities. Local teens and youth ages 11-17, from around the region, gather in Baltimore every July to rebuild a home for a family in need. They also complete acts of service throughout that same community. Compassion Commission has a profound impact on both the teens who serve the residents of the community who benefit from their acts of service. This yearly event culminates with a block party and a ribbon cutting welcoming the new homeowner into their home. Congratulations Ms. Rhonda Brooks!
Police Redistricting

In July, the Baltimore Police Department released a draft map of their plan for redistricting. Redistricting may be necessary following a Census to make sure police resources are deployed proportionate to the number of citizens they serve. Redistricting will enable BPD to effectively manage law enforcement resources; Provide the appropriate resources to the districts; Respond to crime faster and more efficiently; Create a better balance between calls for service and geographic areas; Maintain a constant presence in high-crime areas; Increase patrols and interactions with neighborhood organizations, and; Save money. To learn more information about police redistricting, including to view the proposed map and to submit feedback, visit
For 311 Service Response Snapshot for District 13 Visit:
For District 13 Crime Stats Visit:
See What Else is Happening in District 13
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Department of Public Works
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